Saturday, March 19, 2016

Kefir Anyone?

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On June 19, 2014 I wrote:

"The wonders of Kefir are too many to count! It's health benefits have been recorded through the ages. The word Kefir when translated from its original language, means "good feeling".  This is in reference to the wonderful feeling one receives from drinking this age old cultured dairy product. I'm a heart fanatic! Tonight I was making my Kefir when a little grain fell out on my counter. It's a reflection of how I've grown to love this amazing culture. I am becoming a Kefir expert. I am now making Kefir in raw milk, raw goat milk, and pasteurized homogenized milk. I haven't quite figured out which one I'm going to stick with, but I have Kefir filling up my fridge like crazy! I can't consume it all. Let me know if you'd like to try some. Thanks Natalie for introducing me to the greatest drink ever." 

2014 was a devastating year. I will post more about that later though. Today I'd like to share more about the benefit of making Kefir!

I have been making Kefir since 2013. That year, I got so intensely sick and had to be on a serious antibiotic. The antibiotic I thought would kill me before the sickness did. I healed from one malady and due to the antibiotic began the next. I truly felt sicker after the antibiotic than before. My gut took a serious hit. And I learned something, good health is all about good gut health! That is when I discovered Kefir. And I make no bones about saying, IT SAVED ME! It is the greatest probiotic evAr! Now I'm a died in the wool fan! To promote good gut health, I gladly give away grains. That translates to about a 17 dollar savings for anyone who would like to try some. Contact me if you are interested. One word of advice though, you make it daily, so you must be committed! 

WHAT IS KEFIR? It's a wonderful probiotic grown in goat or cow's milk. I grow mine in whole pasteurized milk. Do not use Ultra Pasteurized whole milk. It will kill your grains. PS, That pretty much tells me you should not drink Ultra Pasteurized milk either!

Kefir is a milk-based beverage that is made by fermenting milk with kefir grains. Kefir grains look like little cauliflower florets. They are sponge, and they are hardy! Kefir is rich in both enzymes and beneficial bacteria. This beverage is made with the kefir culture, and this culture is more commonly referred to as a "grain" Kefir "grains" are comprised of lactic acid bacteria, yeasts, and polysaccharides. The live bacteria and yeast found in kefir grains are friendly microorganisms that not only aid in the digestive system but also help strengthen the intestines and resist the growth or harmful bacteria or pathogens. 

A 6oz serving of milk kefir contains 6 grams of Protein, 20 percent of the RDA Calcium, 20 percent RDA Phosphorus, 14 percent RDA Vitamin B12, 19 percent RDA
Riboflavin (B2), 5 percent RDA Magnesium, and a decent amount of vitamin D. 

Kefir also contains a wide variety of bioactive compounds, including organic acids and peptides that contribution its health benefits.

Some microorganisms can have beneficial effects on health when ingested. Known as probiotics, these microorganisms can influence health in numerous ways, including digestion, weight management and mental health. 

Yogurt is the best known probiotic food in the Western diet, but kefir is actually a much more potent source. Bottom line, Kefir contains about 30 different microorganisms, making it a much more potent source of probiotics than other fermented dairy products.

KEFIR TAKES A SMALL AMOUNT OF TIME EACH DAY! There is so much good information on the internet about Kefir that I am not going to place it all here. If you want to research it, try the following links.

Cultures For Health  This is probably the most reputable source I've ever found and they are responsive to their customers. You can call and ask them questions and they have lovely video tutorials. This site is my favorite!

Dom's  is a great source of information. Just about any question you have can be answered here. I love Dom's!

Authority Nutrition Will point you to some benefits of consuming Kefir. My own personal story though converted me. I try now to take my Kefir everywhere with me!

Finally if you choose not to make it, but would like to purchase it, then be sure to buy LIFEWAY, this is the best brand I have found. There's a lot of junk out there. Just keep in mind, non of the benefits out weigh making your own. 

I have five boys. I have taken a lot of flack about my Kefir. My son who is presently in law school has become more interested in his health. A few weeks ago I went to visit him. He's a big 'NO AGENDA' fan. (That's a great Podcast to listen to, by the way.) He was telling me about a podcast No Agenda did on Kefir. He played the podcast for me. I had to laugh! My son now makes Kefir. He's a fan now. What ever you do never listen to your mother first. Brrrrhahahha It's not what you know, it's who you know! Lol  

Last a few important notes to those who want to grow your own Kefir. Kefir cannot touch metal or Chlorinated water. It kills the live organisms in the grains. Use glass and plastic only. If you want a good strainer for your grains, go to Amazon and buy the  HIC Nylon Mesh Strainer by HIC Harold Import .Co. 

Also if you want to travel with your grains, I like these plastic storage lids by Ball. I use the quart or pint jars by ball to make my Kefir in. So these lids work nicely when I travel to my cabin and take my grains with me. 

I have been making my Kefir now for going on three years. Obviously I'm a fan! I'm a purest and I drink it plain. I won't lie, it took some getting use to, but I love it. For those who are not so tough, you can add a little jam and it flavors it nicely or better yet, add it to your smoothies. That is one great dose of health!

Here's to good health!

Friday, January 31, 2014

The Blue Zones

I just got done reading the best book. Yes I want to live to be a hundred. Do I want to live to be a hundred? I think I do, but what I mostly want is to live healthy! I want to be on the move. I read the best quote, "We have to age, we don't have to rot!" That is my goal, to not rot.

READ THIS: Blue Zones ( just click on blue zones and you'll head right there.)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Sweet Poisons Can Affect Memory

Last week I received a copy of Utah's Senior Review in my mailbox. While thumbing through it's pages, I found an article that impressed me so much I decided to type the entire article here. I don't want to forget it. I know this article is filled with truth. I have seen the effects of excessive sugar in myself as well as in both my parents when they were still alive. I believe the article has great merit!

The article is entitled: Sweet Poisons Can Affect Memory
by David R. Larsen, MFHD

The first thing you may want to know is who is David R. Larsen? David is the former Director of the award winning Organizational Health Center, at Hill Air Force Base - the largest employer in the state of Utah. He is a Master Instructor for the Maintain Your Brain program developed by the Alzheimer's Association, and Neil Nedley, M.D.'s Depression Recovery Workshop. He is also a popular teacher in Weber State University's continuing ed program. He is the author of 4 books on learning techniques and memory, and writes a quarterly review of Research on Brain Health issues for the Alzheimer's Association. He has a double Master's degree in Family and Human Development, and Counseling Psychology, and for seven years serves as a Navy and Marine Corps Chaplain and later as Family Life Programs Manager, for the Air Force. He currently serves as a Case Manager, for the Alzheimer's Association, the Programs Manager and personal coach for Innovations in Population Health Management, and Director of Advanced Memory Dynamics - his own educational consulting company.

The article begins:

"Recently, I learned an important lesson from a couple who are clients of mine. In an effort to prevent further memory decline, the husband had been giving his wife nearly every "Memory" pill and potion on the market, but her gradual memory losses continued.

In my evaluation, I noted the wife did not eat vegetables, or very few, and she seldom got much exercise. I knew from previous research that vegetables are essential to memory and emotional health, and I referred them to a specialist in this area. He put my client on several supplements to try and overcome this deficiency and boost her brain cells. She also resumed her daily swim. But after several months, there was still no progress. This was very frustrating to me, as nearly everyone I work with improves.

Finally, one evening last month, I was talking with her husband, and he said, "Well, I've got to go give [my wife] her treat for the night."

A bit surprised, I asked, "Oh, so what kind of treats do you give her?"

"Usually it's a slice of chocolate cake, a candy bar, or a bowl of ice cream," he replied.

I was stunned! I'm sure my jaw must have dropped. Of course, he thought he was just being kind and didn't realize he was actually poisoning her mind! We now have her on healthier desserts and a powerful new formula designed to re-grow brains cells. I'll let you know how she does.

This experience helped me realize that although the research on brain health is replete with warnings about the effects of refined sugar on the brain, especially as we get older, many seniors are not aware of this. For example, we have long known diabetics were more prone to develop dementia, but last year, a study of 250 "non-diabetic" men and women conducted at the Australian National University's Centre for Research on Aging found those with high blood sugar levels tended to have "shrinking in brain areas linked to memory and emotional processing."1

In preparing this article, I emailed Dr. Thomas Shea at the University of Massachusetts, one of the top Alzheimer's researchers in the world, and asked his opinion on sugar. He replied that while some sugar as found in fruit and vegetables is essential, refined or processed "sugar is brain poison, plain and simple!" It robs the brain of essential B-vitamins, and in excess causes damage (glycation) to tissues and proteins that contribute to amyloid plaques associated with Alzheimer's.

Some People laugh when it's suggested that Ronald Reagan's Alzheimer's came from his over-consumption of jelly beans. But those familiar with this research do not. Though a small thing dozens of jelly beans (or any other sugary treat) on a daily basis can, as sure as arsenic, poison the brain over time. And it's not just sucrose; fructose sugar can be a problem as well. Fructose in fruit is fine, but when it's refined and used as a additive, as in high fructose corn syrup it does not satisfy cravings for sweets, and it's cheap, so people consume too much. Between 1970 and 1990, Americans' consumption of high fructose corn syrup rose by more than 1,000% an increase that paralleled the rapid rise of the obesity epidemic, with serious consequences. Consider this recent review.

"Are you a victim of fructose poisoning? If you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, belly fat, or insulin resistance, the answer is likely yes.  Fructose might taste sweet to your taste buds, but there's nothing sweet about what it [in excess] does to your body. Mounting evidence shows that high fructose is responsible for multiple factors involved in metabolic syndrome [metabolic syndrome can quadruple the risk for Alzheimer's].

The reason for these disastrous health problems is that high intake of fructose acts more like a toxin than a nutrient. . . And, like a toxin, fructose has direct harmful effects (glycation) on tissues throughout the body, while performing no necessary nutritional function. Study after study, has demonstrated that excessive fructose consumption directly causes all five components of metabolic syndrome: abdominal fat, high blood pressure, abnormal lipid profiles, insulin resistance, and inflammation."2

Of course, we see these sugars added everywhere--- in our cereal, our ketchup, our bread, yogurt --- but sodas may be the biggest offenders. And "sugar free" sodas may be even worse, as they usually contain aspartame (Nutra Sweet), a well known neurotoxin, which over time can cause headaches, depression, cognitive decline, and even dementia. Of course, some people are more vulnerable to these effects than others. Water, milk, thick juices, decaf coffee, and herbal teas with a touch of Stevia (a healthier natural, not artificial sugar) would be much better choices.

Be forewarned: the consumption of too much sugar, or aspartame, over time or even over the upcoming holidays can have serious consequences for anyone's mind. Helpful hints: the protein tryptophan found in turkey and the spice saffron may help reduce sugar cravings, while cinnamon, turmeric, and the amino acid carnosine may help reduce the damage sugars can cause.

(For more information on sugars and the spices and proteins that may help overcome sugar cravings and damage, I invite you to visit my website,, or email me at

Endnotes 1- See
2- See Life Extension Magazine October 2013 references found in the original.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Thank You For Your Help In Kenya

At the end of December a good friend of mine requested some much needed help with a project. Her sister was leaving for Africa on the 28th of December and was in need of clothing.  Her sister's in-laws, who are presently serving as mission presidents in Kenya, had arranged for them to visit an orphanage that is run by a church member. It is in the slums, which is an area where death, illness, violence, starvation, unsanitary living, and homelessness plague everyone. 

A man there by the name of Stephen, is caring for approximately 150 children in a very small and suffering facility. Church service missionaries are working with him to build his foundation and ability to support these children there.  Recently another couple who also had been serving in that same LDS mission, flew Stephen to America where he was interviewed about his project. 

Here is the link to his story if you'd like to read about itMan funds makeshift orphanage through woodcarvings

Afer recieving this plea for some help and reading this story, I put a request on facebook for clothing that would fit kids from 0 to 18 years of age. I was amazed at the response! People just instantainously answered that call for help and suddenly clothes started appearing on my doorstep. Well I wanted you all to see what your efforts accomplished!

Today in my email inbox I recieved a heart felt thankyou, along with some photos. I couldn't look at the photos with out tears running everywhere. Can I just say... WE HAVE SO MUCH! Maybe even TOO much! And I fear some day we will have to answer for our greediness. After reading the letter and viewing the photos, I felt I needed to pass this THANK YOU along, To all of you who gave so quickly and so freely, THANK YOU.

"Dear friends and family!

We have returned from our trip to Africa and are so grateful for the experiences and relationships we developed there!!  Visiting the school and orphanage was a priceless opportunity and privilege for our entire family.  Steven was so happy, humbled, and grateful to receive the clothing so generously donated by YOU!  I was amazed at what we were able to collect in such a little amount of time.  We boxed up and packed over 250 pounds of clothing with us and delivered it to Steven.  Thank you so much in providing help and comfort to his efforts in helping give these children a better life and future!  Below I have attached many pictures through SkyDrive.  If you have trouble viewing them, please let me know. 

There are many story's behind all those beautiful eyes.  The school and orphanage are located in a smaller slum in Nairobi called Soweto.  We were able to visit the school first where the children performed a program of singing and dancing.  We then taught the students the tuti-tot, watly-acha, and then gave them each a paper doll to write their names on, decorate, and hang on a line we strung over their classroom.   It was very fun and they giggled the entire time.  We then visited the orphanage.  They currently have 36 girls and 24 boys living at the orphanage.  There are two rooms, one for boys and one for girls, that each have three bunk beds and that is where they sleep.  They had more children at one time but Steven has successfully been able to place some of them with "guardians" that can help care for the children.

The last picture is of a little girl sleeping that just barely came to the orphanage.  She was found wandering in Nairobi and someone brought her to Steven to care for her.  He normally doesn't take children so young but he says, "some just touch your heart and you can't turn them away."  There is also a picture of my daughter, Ellie, standing next to a little girl named Grace and her mother. Grace is a sweet little 12 year old girl that attends the school. She lives with her mom and two aunts in a small room about 6 feet by 8 feet. It has dirt floors and they cook over a small coal stove. Steven is helping Grace and her mom get the appropriate documents needed for her to have surgery. When Grace was 5 she was raped and severely injured and has had to live with a colostomy bag and line since then. He is hoping that they will be able to move her family out of the slum into something more sanitary for her to come home to once she is able to have the surgery. These kids are beautiful and if I could have I would have packed them up and brought them home.  So from the bottom of my heart, thank you for providing clothing that will cover their little body's and provide them some comfort and make them feel loved from all of us."  

Here are a few of the photos she shared.

As I finished reading the above letter and looked through the photos, I realized one thing. I wish I could adopt every one of these kids. My prayers are with these sweet beautiful children! 

Planning For My 2013 Tea Party

I can't wait! Since my addiction to loose leaf herbal tea I found something so cute. Isn't it cute? Oh, I'm in LoVe! Here is what we will be making at the Crow's 2013 Tea Party! Now to find a pattern for that cute rose I need to cross stitch for all my girls!

I had better get going!